안녕하세요 (hello). I’m here again, to update my blog.
It’s 2011!!! Woohoo!! Time flies very fast.
Recalled to 2010 wat I had done, beside eating, sleeping, shopping, partying, singing…… I did nothing!!! Wtf! I really enjoyed my life huh.. =.=
Thank you my friend, u make my life more interesting.
I set a few goals n I wish I can achieve it in 2011.
In 2011, I hope that I can lose weight. I gained 2kg after a trip to KL.fml.
In 2011, get my driving license n buy a car…hehe
In 2011, get better results on my studies. My sem 3 result is suck!
In 2011, travel to Taiwan n Korea. I want to shop at Taiwan n meet my idol in Korea ^^
In 2011, get a LV bag. So I’m going to save money to get it.
In 2011, save money n become rich wives..Muahaha
Lastly, I wish I can have an ordinary life with the accompanied by my beloved family n friends. An ordinary life will also be the happiest with my family and all my friends. :)